Getting some appetites back

A rough week, dragging myself into work to deal with what needed to be dealt each day, then heading back home early, I made it through with improvements, and by the latter part of the week was able to get comfortable enough to sleep for a few hours at a time. Friday I overdid it by staying nearly a full day, and paid the price for it Friday night and today; I once more feel somewhat mugged of what's now half my weekend.

I'm doing much, much better, but have been sticking to reading so as to strike the best combination of holiday and recovery. The reading material's ranged from the latest Legends (arriving Tuesday as expected) , a stack of comics and trades I've been catching up on, a few magazines, and a collection of John Brunner short stories (appropriately enough The Best of John Brunner - apparently currently out of print) & Heller's Catch-22 (though I couldn't easily find my annotated copy, which was the one I was looking for), which I haven't reread in years. I've also begun to revisit Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World for various reasons.

Going through various notes this week I found that one link item came up a couple times, as one source noted some early controversy over an odd candy theme, and another the announcement that production's been halted. (Thanks Tammy & I'm A Crypt Leak.) For my part, when I think of Kraft I think of the legal battle they had in 2002 with graphic artist (whose style is what I think of as 60s/70s "underground" comics and psychedelia) Stuart Helm, who'd been going by the name of "King Velveeda" until they found out about it and due diligence proceedings occurred. The most fun link to come out of this is a little animation concerning the genetically-modified foods program Kraft is involved in.

The current national and where it crosses over into the international political scene continues to be depressing. Not feeling up to do more than feebly complain about it I've been avoiding commentary.

Time to go take something else and get some more to drink. At this stage it's the cough that does me in.


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