Saturday's rolling on through

I'm getting some writing done this weekend, but it's not email -- at least not so far. So long as I keep myself busy with something and not tumble into cable TV limbo, I'm not going to lament the items I'm not getting to.

My original plans for this three-day weekend included a new batch of comics from Westfield and the latest issue of Legends (#109) to dig into, but the evil gods of delivery have conspired to keep both pacakages away from me until at least Tuesday - the same Monday holiday that gives me the day off will keep the mail away. I know the comics are coming then, as I have a FedEx tracking number for that, and since the Legends issue made it to at least one of the members a couple days ago I'm expecting that to be here by then.

Various extra expenses and my wife still being home and recovering (doing well, though, thanks for those who've been asking/sending good wishes along) from a job where is she's not working there's no pay (she doesn't get sick time, and she all but burnt off her vacation time during last year's ill-fated surgery) have combined to see me having to eye late month finances with a touch of concern. I haven't really had to worry about whether there was enough money to cover things in a while. It should just be a momentary thing, and I'm trying to take it as a good reminder of how quickly finances can get close to the edge. I'm trying to take this cautiously so as to not just resort to credit cards heavily in order to spend freely between now and next pay.

Frivilous spending will nonetheless continue, as March 2nd remains the release date for the recently fully-revealed Legacy set of Heroclix. It has its clinkers, but they seem to be relatively few. The set's already grown familiar enough that some cracks are showing, so I backed off going over the stats by yesterday. The set's a good one, though, and I'm looking forward to it. The Feats and Battlefield Effect Cards represent better innovations this time out (even if they neutered the DC version of Trick Shot with respect to the Marvel version - the Marvel one allowing it to be used for more than just attacks) , and in general seem to be more well thought out than some of the ones debuted in Marvel's Mutant Mayhem set.

If I had to point to one interesting innovation seen in this set's dial designs it's granting Probability Control (an ability that allows one to make or force one's opponent to make re-rolls of the dice) to people who are supposed to be tactically gifted. Prior to this it was a more mystically-based ability, given to, well, mystics and some mutants. Some purists -- well, literalists -- are upset by it, but these are the same dimbulbs who refuse to look at what the power's actually doing rather than being hung up on what it's called. (String them up by their yarbles, I say!) That this should appear on the dials of one level of Batman (a level where he's tagged as a member of the JLA, and routinely uses his intelligence to tip the scales in their favor), all levels of Mr. Terrific (who routinely does the same for the JSA, which is is at all levels), and the higher levels of a calculating villain such as Blockbuster is a nice touch IMHO.

Anyway, that set's due out Wednesday March 2, so my case should be on the way by then (almost certainly set to arrive the following Monday) and I'll almost certainly do what I usually do and indulge in 3-5 boosters from a local comics shot on the release day. Knowing myself it could end up being twice that by the weekend. Yeah, yeah, I have no right to complain about finances.

Okay... back to some other things. I hope you're all enjoying your weekends.


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