Fight! Fight! Fight!

Utterly stripped down, it's worse than a throwback to childhood fanboydom. It's

It's perhaps too simple and direct: You're presented with two characters and asked to click on the one you believe would win in a fight. At the bottom of each page is a spot one can click on to leave comments (which the moderator needs to approve, so I have no idea how long it will be on average between the time one sends one in and it's posted. Most of the voting so far is in the teens or less, so either it's been reset or the site's very new.

Yes, as one contemplates the match-ups it's necessary to immediately establish one's own ground rules. My first thought it to presume both combatabts are aware of each other and are fighting in earnest. Beyond that, though, it becomes tough... except in those match-ups that are simply so mis-matched as to be no-brainers. Iceman (and, Bobby, don't forget we love ya!) has no chance against Galactus, for instance.

When we see Nick Fury in his SHIELD togs I feel it's safe to presume he has not only tech back-up but probably some SHIELD resources to call on, but I'm sure many won't do the same. Does Mr. Fantastic have access to tech? How near a source of water is Sub-Mariner? Which Ant-man are we considering? Hank Pym? Scott Lang? The new SHIELD agent who has or is about to take over the suit and powers as part of some sitcom-ish miniseries? That sort of thing.

There's no end to the questions, as they randomly cycle after each decision, some coming back up faster than others, so there's the potential to sit there clicking on image after image in an endless string, making it like so many online diversions capable of devouring as much time as one wishes to feed it.

If the person behind the site sees this, I'd like to see a broader array of characters to help keep this interesting. Even if the Marvel emphasis stays in place, it would be nice to see a broader array of Avengers, for instance, along with more villains. Hercules, Annihilus, Klaw, Juggernaut, Quicksilver, Rogue, Ultron, Thor, Mandarin, Shadowcat, Taskmaster, Absorbing Man, Kraven, Moon Knight, Rhino, Bullseye, Sandman, etc., etc.

It's never going to be a site to settle a bet, but there's something just so basic about it for those of us who read comics going back into our childhood as to be almost irresistable to click through, frequently eliciting "are they joking?!" in reaction to the ongoing vote.

Finally, thanks to Mikey for sending me the site link.


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