
Odds and ends. Not necessarily good for you, but perhaps something to fill you up. A virtual nosh.

I didn't know whether to link this story to "Yoink!" or revive a term from my youth: "Indian giver." I'll leave the decision to you.

Here's yet another example of how not only is Islam a lousy religion and a far worse basis for government, but how it seems just a matter of time before we come into conflict with our "allies" like Saudi Arabia. (For the record, what passes as Christianity is a terrible basis for government, too.)

Crypt Leak and Abbygal can't find a microphone for the ipod, but they can find this. (I suppose it would be in the worst possible taste to suggest loading up an Elvis Presley retrospective on it.) I suppose it's something to go boom-boom shaka-laka boom with... Okay, well, sure, it would be a convenient way to cover the sound of a particularly, gassy and/or liquid "event," but I don't know how broad of an ad campaign one would want to try for it.

Just to prove to the world something that didn't need proving - that too many men, once triggered by certain stimuli, think with something considerably smaller than their brains. (It's the first two items.) Yes, I can feel how shocked you are even from here, especially the women. Sit down and take a few, deep breaths. I just wouldn't suggest you do it anywhere near the previous link.

Come to think of it, be careful about how deeply you're breathing, especially near someone who's just returned from some spots abroad. To remind us that playing games with treating diseases will come back to bite us, here's the appearance of "virtually untreatable" tuberculosis, where the treatment with extreme anitbiotics can end up being terminal.

Then - and this ties loosely into something the Crypt Leak and I have discussed from time to time concerning pilot episodes that were never picked up - here's a list of tv shows cancelled after (some essentially during) their first episodes. Looking over the list I can't help but wonder how many were simply a matter of poor timing, casting and/or execution.

Finally, something that'll likely never be played on any game system in this house, is a video game based on the Left Behind series of novels. My favorite section of the piece is the one CL & AG highlighted when they sent me the link: "Want to ward off evil? Hit the prayer button."


Doc Nebula said…
You have two 'finally' links.

I don't know. Maybe it's a Spanish Inquisition reference. ;)
Mike Norton said…
As tempted as I would be to take refuge there, it was just a flub. Maybe I fell prey to the ongoing bastardization of the language that leads to ads such as "Up to 50% off -- and more!"

I threw the post together and then remembered one more thing and quickly tacked it on to the draft I'd stored.

Fixed now.

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