Hang 'Em High

Please, add your message and your name to a petition to prevent the Senate from giving G.W. Bush a free pass on the wiretapping program and in the same sweep legitimizing the powers he's grabbed in the midst of smoke and scary noises.

Even if your representatives (as is the case for me, with Arlen Specter and :cough:: ::gag:: Rick Santorum being my purely nominal reps) are with the GOP, it's important you at least make the attempt to appeal to their consciences.

FYI, I kept my addition to the petition brief:
There is a limit to how far we the voters can hold Congress blameless for acting on doctored intelligence in what seemed to be a timely manner in the face of a nebulous threat. That limit is well behind us.


SuperWife said…
Thanks for the link, Mike. I'll be sure to take care of this civic responsibility a little later.

Love you note, btw.
Tony Collett said…
I just signed it, and here's my note:
There is a reason the rights in the Constitution are there. The so-called secret court system established in the late 1970's allowed for getting warrants and following procedures without letting the guilty escape because of those procedures.
I'd spread the word on my blog, but all the readers of mine have probably read yours already.
Mike Norton said…
Thanks, both of you!

A very good note to add, Tony.

If I would change anything in mine it would have been to move from the confontational "doctored" to "tailored" or "selectively filtered", but considering who my version was headed to I doubt it would make much difference.

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