Oh, Look. ABC is planning an
"October Surprise" for their GOP Friends
...in September!

I finally lifted my head to look around a little only to find that ABC's Path to 9/11 - set to air Sunday and Monday, is under attack for what ranges from speculative misinformation to outright lies.

People For The American Way have sized it up just so:
"The Path to 9/11" – ABC's factually challenged miniseries written by Rush Limbaugh's friend Cyrus Nowrasteh – is catching a lot of well-deserved heat across the nation. The miniseries, which ABC erroneously claims is based on the 9/11 Commission Report, would give millions of Americans the impression that legal protections for civil liberties and liberal politicians were responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That message isn't just wrong, it's the linchpin of Karl Rove's strategy for winning the mid-term election.

"The Path to 9/11" troubles us not only because of its politically motivated errors and fabrications, but also because of the insidious message it sends about how the Constitution supposedly got in the way of preventing the attacks on 9/11.

Specifically, the "docudrama" reportedly portrays Clinton administration officials reining in CIA operatives ready to strike Osama bin Laden because those officials are hog-tied by legal restraints. That is entirely fabricated by the author and its implication is that 9/11 was made possible by weak people following outmoded laws. The corollary is an endorsement of the Bush administration’s legislative and PR effort to scare the nation and Congress into rewriting and severely restricting our freedoms and legal standards.
An FBI agent hired as a consultant on the project quit halfway through because "They were making things up."

Despite claims that they're reviewing the film and making necessary edits, it appears the GOP agenda is remaining in placein what will be a propaganda piece intended to minsinform and scare the sheep, respectively, into simultaneously mislaying blame for the 9/11 attacks and seeing Constitutional protections as impediments to public safety. Their multi-faceted aim is to cast aspersions on the previous administration, Democrats and Liberals, get GOP senators and representatives re-elected in November, and help push Bush administration re-writes to a wide raft of laws so that they can both continue to to what they've been doing and protect Dubya and pals from prosecution for the laws they've already broken and the lies they've already told.

If you want to send an email of concern and/or protest to Disney CEO & President Robert A. Iger, click here. I'd just advise you to reword the subject line and try to rephrase the message in your own voice so as to prevent your message being dismissed as mindless point and click.

Locating and contacting your local ABC affiliate wouldn't be a bad idea either.

It isn't as if I watch ABC anyway. I'm sure they've been promoting this for weeks, but today was the first I'd heard of it.


Anonymous said…
Hey, Mike! Get a load of this from Denis McGrath, Toronto-based freelance writer. You'll have to scroll to nearly the end of the entry, but there may be some interesting stuff hidden away:

Mike Norton said…
Thanks, Dwight. His view can't help but be somewhat skewed by the fact that he's working in the business, can't help but see any such work as creative output, and is identifying with fellow creators/workers much more than contemplating the piece of work itself.
Anonymous said…
True. Not that our agreement on that point matters.

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